
People Doing Japanese Archery

In Japan, some people do Japanese archery, and the members of them are people of various generation. For example, the largest group is high school students. Over 50% of all Japanese archery player are said high school students.

I think the reason of that, members of Japanese archery, is Japanese archery of high school has clear aim of achievement, and they can use the equipments of club.
The other aspect, the older people do Japanese archery more than younger people(NOT students).
That is because we can do Japanese Archery if we get older. And people who have not been done Japanese archery for long time, try to do again when they has free time. So Japanese archery has more older people than other sports.

The Importance of Japanese Etiquette in Japanese Archery

Japanese archery has a lot of roles or habits in doing Japanese archery.
The reason of that is Japanese archery is originally the way of training samurai's maind and body. So it has the aspects of etiquette.

I think that the most remarkable difference between Japanese archery and archery is it has the mind of etiquette or not.
In other word, Japanese archery is not only sport, but also the way of training own mind and body so far.

For example, almost all of Japanese archery group do a formality in the beginning and end of everyday practice. And this has the respect for teacher and god of archery, that Japanese people has believed for long time.