
Doing Way of Japanese Archery

Now, I will tell about the doing method of Japanese archery.

First, the equipment that you must prepare is three items, Japanese bow, arrows and 'kake', that is glove protects our hand. This three items are necessary to do Kyudo at least.

Second, you must go the space that is large enough not to injure anyone accidentally. You must go 'Kyudo jou' that is only for Japanese archery.

Third, you must not do Japanese archery alone at first. You must learn the way to draw bow from the person who can tell you it, because, not only Japanese archery, many sports are dangerous to play at first. Japanese archery use the bow that is weapon in the past, so Japanese archery has to be more careful to do.


The Defferent Point of Japanese Archery and Archery

In abroad, archery is more popular than Japanese archery, and so many people think that archery and Japanese archery is almost the same sports. But there are some difference between them.

First, bow is different. Japanese bow is made of wood and about 2m long. While bow of archery now made of chemical material, and not so big.

Second, archery regard the hitting to the center of the target as the most important thing. But to Japanese archery, hitting to target is all same, for example, hitting to the center of the target and to the edge of the target is same 'hit'.

Third, the most important difference that I think, is the thinking way that you must get to do in doing Japanese archery


Japanese Archery in The World

In the world, Japanese archery is not so famous. But, few people do Japanese archery in abroad.
In abroad, archery is more popular than Japanese archery, and so many people think that archery and Japanese archery is almost the same sports. But there are some difference between them.

The country mainly do Japanese archery is, you know, Japan. Leaving out Japan, the largest country of Japanese archery is Germany. The number of the people who join the official association of the country is about 1350.


Famous People of Japanese Archery and Their Achievements

First, I introduce the person who learned about Japanese thinking and "Kyudo" about 80 years ago.
He is "Eugen Herrigel", the German philosopher. His achievement is the introduction to Europe of the Japanese thinking based on the Buddhism and ancient belief of Japanese.
He went Touhoku University as the teacher of philosophy. And the interested in Japanese and Japanese people. He try to understand Japanese culture. And he let his wife learn Japanese picture and flower arrangement. At first, he felt it hard for master the all thinking of Japanese as the Westerner. But he carry on learning about Japan and Japanese archery, at last, he was given the fifth rank of the Japanese archery by his teacher.

Second, I introduce Herrigel's teacher, Kenzo Awa. He is the one of the most famous Japanese archery player.
He thought that Japanese archery should be the way to train oneself and the most important thing of Japanese archery is not the technique to hitting.
Herrigel thought it unreasonable, because Kenzo can make arrow hitting but for not aiming the target.
This means that Kenzo made his mind calm and did the really same way to drew bow.
I think this is the last goal of doing Japanese archery.


Tools of Japanese Archery

I'll introduce the characteristic tools of Japanese archery.

First, the main item of Japanese archery, Japanese bow, is Fig1.
Fig1: Japanese bow
This is said that the biggest bow in the world. And it is rare that it is made of bamboo,  woods and so on kinds of plants. So Japanese bow can be used longer and looked beautiful.

Second, the important tool of Japanese archery, Kake, the glove of right hand, is Fig2.
Fig2: Kake, the glove of Japanese archery
This works as the role to protect our hand and assists us to draw the bow. Because of the use of this glove, you can easily do Japanese archery.